Course Highlights

  • Ambassador™

    The Ambassador Anterior Cervical Plate system is a versatile system of implants and instruments with a variety of sizes to provide optimal anatomic compatibility. The integrated cam restricts the motion of the screws and is designed to allow settling in the sagittal plane. Ambassador features a thin (1.9mm) and narrow (16mm at the widest point) plate profile. The system includes 4.0mm and 4.5mm color-coded screws, variable angle screws and fixed angle screws.

  • Visual Demonstration

    Full virtual surgical technique is included in this training module to show the ease of using the system. High definition graphics show you step by step how to use the Ambassador system to the highest potential.

  • Test Your Knowledge

    Show us what you learned! Take the quiz to become fully certified on the Ambassador system!

Course Curriculum

  • 1
    Ambassador™ Training
    • Ambassador™ Cervical Plate
    • Ambassador Sales Sheet
    • Ambassador Surgical Technique
  • 2
    Ambassador Quiz
    • Ambassador™ Final

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